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Jackelin Solorio CV 



2019-2022, MFA, Spatial Arts, San Jose State University, SJ, CA

2017-2018,BA, Studio Art Education, San Francisco State University, SF, CA

2015-2007 AA, Liberal arts and Humanities, San Jose City College, SJ, CA

2006- 2003 AA, Child Development, Gavilan College, Gilroy CA​


Publications ​

2021 Content Magazine, California, 13.3 Perform Edition : Here 

2020 Proxima Parada, Spain, Podcast: Here


Solo Exhibitions 

2020 Her Story, Jo Farb Hernandez Gallery, San Jose, CA

2020 Holy Vagina, Black Gallery, San Jose, CA

2019 All about her, The Belcher Gallery, San Jose, CA​


Selected Group Exhibitions

2024 Beginning, Hammer2  Gallery, SJSU, San Jose, CA

2024 Boundaries 4th  annual experimental  exhibition, NUMU,  New Museum Los Gatos Los Gatos,CA 

 2024 Reclamation Womxn Reshagures, Pamela Walsh Gallery, Palo Alto CA 

2024 Tierra y raices/earth and roots, Works/San José & School of Arts and Culture at Mexican Heritage Plaza, San Jose CA


2024 The (Anti) valentine show, Works/San Jose, San jose CA


2023 After Life , Works/San José & School of Arts and Culture at Mexican Heritage Plaza, San Jose CA


2023 Queer-Annial a story of armor, MACLA Gallery, San Jose, CA


2023 Transformed by fire - The foundry women of SJSU, Felix Kulpa Gallery, Santa Cruz CA 


2023 Bass & Reiner, Minnesota street project, San Francisco, CA 


2023 Crema Coffee, San Jose, CA


2022 Mayoral Forum Creative Sector,The Foundation for Hispanic Education, San Jose, CA


2022 Liftoff, Institute of Contemporary arts, San Jose, CA : Here 


2021 Through The Hoops, 64 west first St, Gilroy, CA 


2019  Group Exhibition, ConX281, Herbert Sanders Gallery, San Jose, CA 


2019 Benefit Art Auction, Artworks Inc. San Jose CA


2019  Kaleid Fine Arts Gallery, San Jose, CA


2018 31st Annual Still Well Exhibition, San Francisco, CA​


2016 Group Exhibition, San Jose City College San Jose, CA

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